- born 1935, Nastasow, Poland
- 1955 Matura Kenar Lyzeum, Zakopane, Poland
- 1955 Academy of fine arts, Warsaw
- 1961 Diploma at Prof. Tomaszewski
- 1962 - 1970 Assistant of Prof. Tomaszewski
- 1961 - 1970
- Creation of more than 100 posters
- published in Poland as well as overseas
- For his works he received lots of prices and awards,
- among others:
- 1965 First price at the competition of exhibition posters, Posen
- 1967 Trepkowski price of the graphic art publishing house, Warsaw
- 1967 First price in the Chopin poster competition
- 1968 Winning poster of the year, Warsaw
- 1969 Winning poster of the year, Warsaw
- 1969 First price in the competition
of the 25th anniversary of Polish Republic
- 1969 Silver medal for Chopin poster, poster exhibition, Milan
- 1969 Gold medal at 3rd poster biennale, Katowic
- 1974 First price at the international
Mecanorma font competition, Paris
- Participation at the Poster Biennale, Warsaw 1966 - 1968 - 1970
- 1975 Exhibition organized from Mecanorma, Paris
- 2012 Accompanying exhibitiont Letere and painting
to the Poster Biennale, Warsow
- Participant at lots of exhibitions of Polish Poster Art
- 1970 Emigration to Vienna Austria
- Design typefaces and occupation with painting